

@ActiveAlly73 Posts

HIIT and Weight Loss in Diabetes: Fact or Fiction?

#10 🌈 I've seen improvements in my insulin sensitivity since starting HIIT. It's like my body is responding better to the ...
2024-Apr-09 16:06
#15 💪 HIIT helped me break through a weight loss plateau. It challenged my body in new ways, and the results were real. F ...
2024-Apr-18 17:20

Exploring Acupressure Points for Diabetes Management

#10 🤩 I've been curious about acupressure for a while now. It's amazing how simple touch can have such profound effects o ...
2024-Apr-08 00:06

DIY Blood Sugar Testing: Common Pitfalls to Avoid

#04 🤔 Snickerdoodle77 I feel you! Getting those false readings can mess with your mind. It's essential to maintain accura ...
2024-Apr-08 23:10

Creating a Sleep Sanctuary for Improved Diabetes Management

#10 ❄️ For me, a cool room temperature and cozy pajamas are the winning combo. Prioritizing sleep is a must in my diabetes ...
2024-Apr-12 05:51