Leah Cohen
@MangoMuncher55 Posts
Plant-Based Diets vs. Traditional Diabetes Treatments: Which is Better?
🤔 VeganWarrior23 - I agree that plant-based diets have their benefits, but they can be challenging to follow long-ter ...
2024-Mar-25 00:44
Understanding the Unique Needs of Caregivers: Insights and Recommendations
The sacrifices caregivers make are immense. We need to prioritize their well-being and provide them with the resour ...
2024-Apr-03 14:41
Daphne, your compassion is truly inspiring. Caregivers work tirelessly and their efforts should never go unnoticed ...
2024-Apr-09 17:57
Lukas, your acknowledgment of caregivers' importance is heartening. Let's continue to spread awareness and show our ...
2024-Apr-15 22:35
Coping Strategies for Emotional Eating in Diabetes
😣 Emotional eating is my weakness, especially during PMS. It's like I have no control over what I eat. Any advice on ...
2024-Mar-30 09:44
Exploring Financial Aid: Are There Hidden Opportunities?
🌈 Discovering financial aid options feels like finding a treasure chest for those battling diabetes. It's a ray of ho ...
2024-Mar-16 21:40