Kai Williams


@sugar_free92 Posts

Cycling vs. Diabetic Neuropathy: Fact or Myth?

#02 🚲 fast_rider42, totally agree! Cycling is a great way to manage diabetes and its complications. Just need to watch ou ...
2024-Mar-16 19:58

Deep Breathing Techniques for Diabetes Stress: Do They Work?

#02 🌟 mambo_mia67 I totally agree! Deep breathing techniques have helped me feel more in control of my diabetes. It's lik ...
2024-Mar-17 02:51
#07 😊 I find deep breathing to be a great addition to my diabetes management routine. It helps me stay calm and focused ...
2024-Mar-27 16:29
#10 🌈 stress_relief81 That's great to hear! Small changes like deep breathing can make a big difference in how we manage ...
2024-Apr-03 00:29
#14 🌻 zen_diabetic17 Exactly! It's all about finding what works best for each of us in navigating the ups and downs of di ...
2024-Apr-11 10:52