Benefits and Challenges of Home Workouts for Fitness Enthusiasts

Home workouts refer to exercise sessions and fitness routines that can be performed in the comfort of one's home without the need for specialized gym equipment.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Jane Cox

Home Workouts FAQ

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How to start a home workout program?

Here are the four exercises to launch your home workout program: Perfect form is essential when doing a push-up. Start with a variation you can complete with good technique, such as dropping your knees to the floor. Progress to the next level when you can do 10 to 12 reps without dropping you back, stopping short, or shaking unsteadily.

Are home workouts as effective as a gym workout?

If performed correctly and consistently, these beginner, intermediate, and advanced home workouts below can be every bit as effective as a gym workout. The key is to focus on strength training, because building muscle through resistance exercises helps to boost lean mass.

What exercises can you do at home?

Target area: Another classic exercise to add to your at-home repertoire is the squat, says Kom. Squats primarily work muscles in your lower body, including your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves. Start in a standing position with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

What is the best home workout for a beginner?

Best beginner home workout Trainer: Team Body Project Best for: A full-body workout that strengthens muscles and improves form for *actual* beginner. No crazy combos or unachievable moves here. Duration: 30 minutes Equipment: Yoga mat, 2 light hand weights optional 6. Best upper body strength home workout Trainer: Sophie Butler

How do I do a beginner workout at home?

For this beginner workout at home, you will need dumbbells and resistance bands. If dumbbells aren't accessible, using bodyweight for the exercises will work as well. Be sure you have enough clear space to perform these movements. You may also want a mat or padded flooring for additional comfort. Perform the following exercises in order.

How do you do a squat in a home workout?

One at a time, lift each knee to your chest and alternate between legs while swinging your opposite arm forward. As you gain speed, this exercise starts to look like running in place. Doing this exercise targets the lower body and core and is relatively easy to add to a home workout.

Can you do a beginner workout at home?

Below is a complete at-home workout for beginners to try. For this beginner workout at home, you will need dumbbells and resistance bands. If dumbbells aren't accessible, using bodyweight for the exercises will work as well. Be sure you have enough clear space to perform these movements.

Are at-home workouts a good idea?

They're especially beneficial for those with time or budget constraints. Plus, at-home workouts are simple, fun, and effective. You can incorporate elements of gym and studio workouts—such as yoga, pilates, cycling, strength training, and more—into your home workout or create a routine that is unique to you and your goals.

Home Workouts References

If you want to know more about Home Workouts, consider exploring links below:

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