Benefits of Low-calorie Sweeteners for Weight Management
Low-calorie Sweetener FAQ
What is a low calorie sweetener?
Low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) are sweeteners that contain few to no calories but have a higher intensity of sweetness per gram than sweeteners with calories—like table sugar, fruit juice concentrates, and corn syrups. Other names for LCS are non-nutritive sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, sugar substitutes, and high-intensity sweeteners.
Are low-calorie sweeteners a science or a policy?
Nutr Res Rev. 2020 Jun; 33 (1): 145–154. A consensus workshop on low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) was held in November 2018 where seventeen experts (the panel) discussed three themes identified as key to the science and policy of LCS: (1) weight management and glucose control; (2) consumption, safety and perception; (3) nutrition policy.
Are low-calorie sweeteners safe?
A number of reviews, some narrative and some systematic, have discussed the evidence for the safety of low-calorie sweeteners (LCS) and their effects on appetite, food intake, body weight, glucose control and other health outcomes ( 1 – 8).
Are no calorie sweeteners healthy?
Lower calorie and no calorie sweeteners will not necessarily make a food or drink healthy but can be helpful in reducing your sugar intake. High sugar intakes increase the risk of tooth decay. Therefore, the use of no calorie sweeteners in food and drink, as long as the product does not contain any sugars, can help reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Low-calorie Sweetener References
If you want to know more about Low-calorie Sweetener, consider exploring links below:
What Is Low-calorie Sweetener