Nutrient Support - Importance in Wellness
Nutrient Support FAQ
What is nutrition support?
In this information we use the term nutrition support to mean any method of feeding that aims to improve or maintain the level of nutrients in your body. Nutrition support includes the use of special nutrient-rich foods, nutritional supplements and fortified foods, as well as liquid feed given to you by a tube into your gut or blood.
What is a nutrient support guide?
It offers advice on how oral, enteral tube feeding and parenteral nutrition support should be started, administered and stopped. It aims to support healthcare professionals identify malnourished people and help them to choose the most appropriate form of support. In August 2017, we updated the links in recommendations 1.3.4 and 1.8.15.
Why do we need nutrition support?
The rationale for the provision of nutrition support includes (1) to mitigate the effects of semi-starvation, and (2) to favorably alter the natural history or response to treatment for a disease.
How do I know if I need nutrition support?
Your healthcare professional will use a scientific measure called body mass index (or BMI your BMI is less than 20 and you have lost more than 5% of your weight over the past 3 to 6 months without trying. If you can swallow safely and you need nutrition support, you may be offered nutrition support by mouth (orally).
What are nutrient requirements?
Each nutrient has a particular series of functions in the body; some nutrients are needed in larger quantities than others. Individual requirements of each nutrient are related to a person’s age, gender, level of physical activity and state of health.
Nutrient Support References
If you want to know more about Nutrient Support, consider exploring links below:
What Is Nutrient Support
Nutrient Support Information
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