Lily Wong


@RunnerGirl19 Posts

Can Exercise Replace Diabetes Medication?

#05 🏃‍♀️ I'm all for sweating it out on the track, but meds are non-negotiable when it comes to keeping my diabetes in line ...
2024-Mar-23 09:40

Starting a Yoga Practice with Diabetes: Tips and Precautions

#04 🌿 Leo, I've personally found that practicing gentle backbends like Bhujangasana has helped me manage my diabetes bett ...
2024-Apr-02 17:16

The Role of Trend Analysis in Home Blood Glucose Monitoring

#06 😩 I find trend analysis overwhelming. It feels like I'm constantly chasing numbers. Sometimes, I just want to live in ...
2024-Apr-05 01:00
#10 🍰 I see the value in trend analysis, but sometimes, I just want to break free from the numbers and enjoy a slice of c ...
2024-Apr-11 23:02