Strategies for Managing Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetes
Managing Blood Sugar Levels In Diabetes FAQ
How do you manage diabetes if you have a high blood sugar?
Sugary drinks can be used to quickly raise blood sugar that is too low. These drinks include regular soda, juice and sports drinks. Exercise is another important part of managing diabetes. When you move and get active, your muscles use blood sugar for energy. Regular physical activity also helps your body use insulin better.
How do you treat low blood sugar if you have diabetes?
Low blood sugar is more common in people with type 1 diabetes. It’s recommended that you treat low blood sugar using the “ 15-15 rule .” You do this by following these steps: Consume 15 g of carbohydrates and wait 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, test your blood sugar. If your blood sugar rises above 70 mg/dL, you can stop.
How do you manage diabetes?
Exercise is another important part of managing diabetes. When you move and get active, your muscles use blood sugar for energy. Regular physical activity also helps your body use insulin better. These factors work together to lower your blood sugar level. The more strenuous your workout, the longer the effect lasts.
How can I reduce my blood sugar level if I have diabetes?
Talk to your GP or diabetes nurse to find out what support is available on the NHS in your area. Physical exercise helps lower your blood sugar level. You should aim for at least 2.5 hours of activity a week. You can be active anywhere as long as what you're doing gets you out of breath. Find out more about exercise.
Managing Blood Sugar Levels In Diabetes References
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What Is Managing Blood Sugar Levels In Diabetes
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