Skin Protection: Importance and Tips for Healthy Skin

Skin protection involves practices and products that help safeguard the skin from environmental factors like UV radiation and pollutants.
Related products/activities
Skin Health | Dermatology | UV Protection | Skin Care
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Jane Cox

Skin Protection FAQ

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What is the function of the skin?

One vital function of the skin is to form an effective barrier between the organism and the environment. It maintains an ‘inside-outside’ barrier regulating water loss, and an ‘outside-inside’ barrier protecting the organism from external harm, including mechanical, chemical, and microbial.

How do you protect your skin?

Keep it protected using oils, ceramides, and more. Beauty boutique and drugstore shelves are packed with products that aim to protect and rejuvenate your skin. Some of them exfoliate, some plump, and others moisturize. All these products share the fact that they act on your body’s outermost layer, which is called the skin barrier.

What is the function of the skin barrier?

The skin barrier is the outermost layer of the epidermis, also called the stratum corneum. Its function is to hold moisture in the skin and prevent pathogens and chemicals from entering the body. What ingredients help repair the skin barrier?

What are the 7 functions of the skin?

The skin has 7 functions: 1. Protection The skin acts as a barrier that protects the underlying tissues organs from UV radiation and physical injury; and external factors such as harmful microorganisms (it is also home to about 1000 species of non-harmful bacteria), 2. Sensation

What external factors does skin protect us from?

The many external factors that skin protects us from include: Changes in temperature and humidity: skin helps to regulate body temperature, control moisture loss and maintain the balance of fluids. Disease: skin works to neutralise aggressors such as bacteria, viruses and pollution and prevent them for entering the body.

Which layer of skin protects against environmental influences?

The outermost layers of skin (the epidermis) form a protective barrier against environmental influences. The external layer of the epidermis - the stratum corneum or horny layer - is made up of dead cells embedded in epidermal lipids and is covered by the hydrolipid film which includes the acid mantle.

Why is skin important?

Skin plays an important role in protecting our bodies. But skin’s most important role is as the first line of defence between our bodies and the world we live in. It protects us and helps to keep us healthy by: Maintaining the balance of fluids in the body. Binding in moisture when necessary and preventing moisture loss.

Skin Protection References

If you want to know more about Skin Protection, consider exploring links below:

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