Mateusz Kowalski


@HealthyHiker24 Posts

Incorporating Walking Challenges into Your Diabetes Regimen

#06 🌄 SteppingStella I totally agree! Walking challenges make managing diabetes more fun and engaging. It's like a mini a ...
2024-Apr-10 05:00

Customizing Your Blood Glucose Logbook: Tips and Tricks

#01 🎨 I always make mine colorful with stickers and doodles, helps to jazz up those numbers a bit!
2024-Mar-11 21:56

Beyond the Numbers: Adding Notes to Your Blood Glucose Logbook

#03 🥗 I hear ya, koolkat77! Those little notes have helped me big time in understanding how my body reacts to different f ...
2024-Mar-26 09:38

Engaging with Peer Support Groups: Yay or Nay for Diabetes Control?

#09 👍 Peer support groups have been a game-changer for me. Knowing there's a whole community cheering you on makes managi ...
2024-Mar-30 03:13

Group Fitness Classes for Diabetics: Worth Joining or Not?

#05 🌟 Group classes are a game-changer for diabetics! Not only do they keep us active, but they also build a sense of com ...
2024-Apr-05 13:41

Exploring Financial Aid: Are There Hidden Opportunities?

#22 🙌 DutchWhisper12, I couldn't agree more. These opportunities are truly invaluable in easing the financial burden and ...
2024-Apr-20 03:34

How Can Telemedicine Improve Access to Diabetes Care?

#04 ⚖️ Eliza, I get what you're saying, but sometimes the convenience of telemedicine can outweigh the need for in-person ...
2024-Mar-21 07:57
#09 🌍 Eliza, you're spot on. We need to address these gaps in digital access to ensure that telemedicine truly improves a ...
2024-Mar-31 21:44
#14 🙏 Eliza, well said. Diabetes care is multidimensional, and leveraging telemedicine alongside traditional methods can ...
2024-Apr-11 12:06
#19 💪 Eliza, your optimism is infectious. Let's harness this collective energy and drive positive changes in diabetes car ...
2024-Apr-22 01:38

Nanosensors for Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Precision in Diabetic Care

#11 🤔 The idea of real-time glucose data is fantastic, but let's not forget the importance of human intuition and experie ...
2024-Apr-14 07:54