Khaled Al-Farsi


@forumGuru87 Posts

The Role of Proper Hydration in Diabetes Management

#01 🙌 Proper hydration is like the fuel for your body's engine. It keeps your blood sugar levels in check and helps your ...
2024-Mar-15 00:06
#10 👏 hydrateOrDie73, it's never too late to start prioritizing hydration. Every sip counts towards a healthier you. Smal ...
2024-Apr-16 18:50

Can Gardening Help Regulate Your Diabetes?

#04 🍃 greenfingers72 You're right! Gardening isn't just about plants; it's about nurturing yourself too. The sense of acc ...
2024-Mar-31 08:13

Understanding the Benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring at Home

#05 👍 Having real-time data on my glucose levels has been a game-changer in managing my diabetes. CGM at home is a game c ...
2024-Mar-28 16:59

CGM vs. FGM: Unraveling the Accuracy Debate

#04 😐 Both CGM and FGM have their strengths. CGM provides more immediate feedback, but FGM offers a different kind of con ...
2024-Mar-26 23:40

Digital Wellness: Exploring the Role of Online Forums in Mental Health Support for Diabetes Patients

#07 ⚠️ I've had both positive and negative experiences on online forums. While I've received helpful advice and encouragem ...
2024-Apr-08 12:02