Arielle Cohen
@sugarfree20 Posts
Transitioning to a Low-Carb Lifestyle: Support and Guidance for Diabetics
💪 I switched to a low-carb diet too, and my A1C levels have improved drastically. It's all about finding what works f ...
2024-Apr-08 08:38
🤗 t1dwarrior45 It's definitely a big adjustment, but you might be surprised at how much better you feel once you make ...
2024-Apr-10 02:26
🧐 carbcritic45 It's understandable to be skeptical, but many studies have shown the benefits of a low-carb diet for d ...
2024-Apr-23 07:40
Mindful Eating vs. Traditional Diets: Which is Better for Blood Sugar?
Mindful eating brings a sense of peace and connection to your meals. It's more than just about blood sugar; it's ab ...
2024-Apr-02 08:50