Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems - Integrated Diabetes Care

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems combine continuous glucose monitors with insulin pumps to provide a comprehensive solution for diabetes management, offering real-time data and insulin delivery.
Medical device
Where to get
Available at pharmacies and medical supply stores
Applicable for
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Jane Cox

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems FAQ

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What is continuous glucose monitoring (CGM)?

A CGM is a compact medical system that continuously monitors your glucose levels in more or less real time (there’s normally a 5-minute interval between readings).

How does a continuous glucose monitor work?

A continuous glucose monitor (CGM) estimates what your glucose level is every few minutes and keeps track of it over time. A CGM has three parts. First, there is a tiny sensor that can be inserted under your skin, often the skin on your belly or arm, with a sticky patch that helps it stay there. These sensors are called disposable sensors.

Can continuous glucose monitors help people manage diabetes?

However, technology such as continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) offer a practical option that may make it easier to monitor and control blood sugar. In this article, we will explore how CGMs work and how they can help people manage diabetes.

What is a flash glucose monitor & continuous glucose monitor?

Flash glucose monitors and continuous glucose monitors let you check your sugar levels without you having to prick your fingers. You wear a small sensor on your body day and night that reads your sugar levels so you can see the information on your mobile, or other device.

What is continuous glucose monitoring?

Continuous glucose monitoring means using a device to automatically estimate your blood glucose level, also called blood sugar, throughout the day and night. You can see what your blood glucose level is at any time. You can also review how your blood glucose level changes over a few hours or days and spot trends.

Who benefits most from a continuous glucose monitor?

Over time, keeping your glucose levels in the healthy range can help you stay well and prevent diabetes complications. The people who benefit the most from a CGM are those who use it every day or nearly every day. What issues could you have while using a continuous glucose monitor?

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems References

If you want to know more about Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems, consider exploring links below:

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